

Living in the Night: Tips for Making the Most of the Darkness


What’s your favourite time of the day? If you’re like most people, it’s probably not the night time. It can seem bleak, frightening, and lonely—a time when it’s easy to feel shut out or left behind by the rest of the world. But just because it may not be your favourite doesn’t mean that it should be ignored or avoided altogether; instead, you can use the night time as an opportunity to grow as a person and embrace what it has to offer.


Watch the Stars

If you’ve got a clear, moonless night to watch over, don’t pass it up. Even if it’s only April, getting out and watching a meteor shower is one of those rare shared experiences that feels almost spiritual. It’s also an opportunity to get outside after dark, which is something most people don’t do enough of these days. So grab some friends or family and head out with your blankets and lawn chairs—the stars will be there waiting for you. Here are some tips for watching a meteor shower. The Big Dipper: The Big Dipper is probably one of the most recognizable constellations because it’s easily seen from anywhere on Earth. In fact, as long as you can see stars at all, you can find Polaris by using the handle of The Big Dipper (which points directly at North Star). Try using our printable star chart so that you know exactly what to look for! Orion: Orion is another constellation that’s easy to spot because it has bright stars throughout its shape. It’s often called The Hunter, but even if you aren't familiar with Greek mythology, you can still enjoy looking for Orion's belt and sword. Gemini: Gemini features two prominent constellations – Castor and Pollux – but they aren't easy to spot unless you're familiar with their location in relation to other nearby stars. One trick is to use Pollux as a guide; once you've found him, follow his line down toward Castor until both twins are visible against the background of space. Taurus & Pleiades Cluster: Another cluster worth checking out? The Pleiades Cluster!


Watch a Show

How do you watch TV? What kind of shows do you like to watch? Whatever your answer, it may change now that you’re living at night. If you find yourself with some extra time on your hands during night-time hours, take advantage and catch up on some great series or binge-watch an entire season (or two) of a show you’ve been meaning to watch. As long as you don’t mind being exhausted come morning, there are plenty of options out there—and plenty of ways to enjoy them! You can stream most shows on-line these days, or even buy DVDs if that’s more your style. And if all else fails, try watching something educational. You might be surprised by how much you learn about human behaviour when everyone is asleep! It might sound crazy, but getting familiar with things like animal mating habits will help you relax and pass some time while keeping your brain active. Who knows—you could become an expert on marine biology overnight!

Go for a Moonlit Drive

Drive around at night with all your lights off, just so you can see what it’s like. It will make you more aware of what it looks like to drive at night without headlights and how much light we really do need. You may even decide that lowering your need for light is easier on your eyes and less harmful to our environment. Turn out those lights and cruise around! At night! In style! Just don’t run over any animals. That would be bad. Don’t kill any animals or humans while you learn about conservation. That would be worse than bad. We are not here to kill things! Kill only when necessary, but never because it feels good! And if you have to kill someone, do it quickly and painlessly. And then eat them! But only if they taste good. If they don’t taste good, then don’t eat them! I am a firm believer in eating people who are mean to me. If someone is mean to me, I want them dead (or alive). If they're dead (or alive), I want them eaten (or uneaten). If they're uneaten, I want them as my friend (or as my enemy). So if someone is nice to me, then I want them as my friend too. And if someone hurts me... well... we already covered that... right? Right?!?


Sleep Outside

One of my favorite things to do as a kid was fall asleep outside. I used to think that falling asleep under a sky full of stars would give me superpowers or something. It’s not like that, but it is still pretty great—and your body will thank you for giving it a chance to sleep without being interrupted by artificial light. If you’re lucky enough to have access to a backyard or some sort of veranda, try bringing out your mattress and sleeping under the stars. If your place doesn’t allow sleeping on furniture out back, just head up on your roof with some pillows and blankets; you'll still be able to see all those twinkly lights! (If you're nervous about being spotted, cover yourself up with a blanket.) Either way, consider setting an alarm so you don't oversleep. You may feel groggy when you wake up at sunrise, but we promise it's worth it. Plus, who knows? Maybe after doing this once or twice, you won't even need an alarm clock any more!



The best time to observe wildlife is usually when everything else is quiet and dark. After sundown, animals are more active; they’re out looking for food or making new homes. Grab a pair of binoculars and head outside! You’ll spot everything from fireflies to flying squirrels, depending on where you live. If you want to explore your local night-life but don’t want to miss any daytime activities, visit your state or local parks at night—and bring along some extra clothing layers so you can bundle up if it gets chilly (nightfall often means dropping temperatures). If you can pack a picnic dinner, so much the better! A full stomach tends to make even scary nights bearable.



If you’re interested in developing your mind, meditation can be a great tool. Not only does it help to develop concentration and calmness, but it also helps you get into the zone quickly and maintain that state even when you aren’t meditating. Since quieting your mind is essential to good sleep, learning how to meditate can lead to better sleep over all. There are lots of different methods to choose from; just find one that resonates with you and stick with it. Take time for exercise: Exercise may seem like an obvious choice for those who want to live longer or have more energy during their days, but most people don’t think about it as a sleep aid.


Look After Your Loved Ones

Even though Halloween is about having fun and dressing up, it’s important to remember that many children will be out late. Parents should make sure to stick together as a group when trick or treating; it’s much safer if you go with several people than if you are on your own. If you have young children, be especially careful to not let them wander away from your side when they are out with their candy bags. If a child gets separated from their parents at any point during Halloween, call local law enforcement immediately. Police officers can use flash lights or other methods to track down kids who are lost so they don't get hurt. Remember, safety first!

The dark of night also means pets shouldn’t be outside unattended; however, some pet owners may leave their animal outdoors because they worry their animals will run off if left inside. Make sure all dogs have collars that reflect light, such as blinking lights or even glow-in-the-dark collars (if you really want). This way if your dog does escape outside he’ll be easier to find by motorists driving around your neighbourhood.

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